
Financial transactions encode by using computer software

Assignment Problem:

Assignment Outcomes:

1) Recognize financial transactions and encode them using computer software

2) Construct elementary financial reports via the recording of transactions and the application of accrual methods.

I) Discipline knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession.

II) Digital Literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information.

III) Problem Solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems.

IV) Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions

Assignment Task Requirement:

Your task is to develop a reflection highlighting the learning you have achieved within this unit, specifically in relation to your Digital Literacy and Self-management skills. You will be required to provide evidence in the form of digital artefacts to support your reflections. Your reflection is to be presented as a Word document (must be limited to 300 words +/- 10%), taking into consideration aspects found in Infographics. It is recommended that you keep records of your thoughts and feelings throughout the trimester on a regular basis, on the development of your Digital Literacy and Self-management skills.

Step 1:

Before undertaking the computerised and manual case scenario assessment item, think about your current knowledge and skill level with regard to Digital Literacy and Self-management. Decide whether you are at a beginner, intermediate or advanced knowledge and skill level for both Graduate Learning Outcomes. Record your opinion below by placing a tick in the appropriate cell, and include the table in your final submission, as part of your introduction. You will need to refer to this table when you are writing your final reflection to see how your knowledge and skills have improved.

Provide a justification as to why you think your knowledge and skills are at the level you have indicated.

Step 2:

It is a good idea to keep weekly notes on how you feel your knowledge and skills are developing with regards to Digital Literacy and Self-management. Some of the questions you can use to help you think about your knowledge and skills development are included below:

i) What am I doing to develop my knowledge and skills regarding Digital Literacy and Self- management?

ii) What support resources have I used to develop my knowledge and skills?

iii) Is there anything else I could be doing or accessing to help develop my knowledge and skills?

iv) Is what I am currently doing, working?

v) Why is it working or not working?

vi) How does this make me feel?

vii) Why am I feeling this way?

viii) What can I do to change / improve the situation?

ix) What are my thoughts on how the knowledge and skills I am developing will assist my future career?

It is not necessary to answer each question each time you write notes to yourself, but it is important that you consider these aspects of your knowledge development. The act of thinking about and answering these questions is known as Reflective Practice. The format these notes take is up to you. Remember to also collect examples of what you are doing regarding Digital Literacy and Self-management and the best examples are to be included in your final submission. These examples will be your artefacts.

Step 3:

Using your notes from step 2 compile your final reflective piece. The reflective piece should tie together the learning experiences that you have completed with regard to Digital Literacy and Self- Management. Reflect on where you performed well as well as where you did not. Within the reflective piece, make reference to the artefacts and the brief reflections that you have collected during the trimester. The references you make to these artefacts should support the claims that you are making about your learning. It is expected that you provide at the minimum 2 artefacts (evidence) that supports both Digital Literacy and Self-Management. In what format should I produce the final reflective piece? The final reflective piece must be produced as a Word document but presented as an infographic. A sample infographic is provided on the Unit Site that can be used to help develop your final submission.

Word Limit: +/- 300 words, double-spaced, 12-point Ariel or Times New Roman font.

Note: Need in Xero software Accounting

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Tags: Elementary Financial Reports Assignment Help, Elementary Financial Reports Homework Help, Elementary Financial Reports Solved Assignments, Elementary Financial Reports Coursework, Financial Transactions Assignment Help, Financial Transactions Homework Help, Financial Transactions Coursework, Financial Transactions Solved Assignments, Recording of Transactions Assignment Help, Recording of Transactions Homework Help, Accrual Methods Assignment Help, Accrual Methods Homework Help

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Financial Accounting: Financial transactions encode by using computer software
Reference No:- TGS03025938

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