
Financial reporting purposes

Listed below are items that are commonly accounted for differently for financial reporting purposes than they are for tax purposes.


For each item below, indicate whether it involves:

1) A temporary difference that will result in future deductible amounts and, therefore, will usually give rise to a deferred income tax asset.

2) A temporary difference that will result in future taxable amounts and, therefore, will usually give rise to a deferred income tax liability.

3) A permanent difference.

Use the appropriate number above (namely 1, 2 or 3) to indicate your answers for each.

a) ____ The MACRS depreciation system issued for tax purposes, and the straight-line depreciation method is used for financial reporting purposes for some plant assets.

b)_____A landlord collects some rents in advance. Rents received are taxable in the period when they are received.

c)_____Expenses are incurred in obtaining tax-exempt income.

d)_____Costs of guarantees and warranties are estimated and accrued for financial reporting purposes.

e)_____Installment sales of investments are accounted for by the accrual method for financial reporting purposes and the installment method for tax purposes.

f)_____For some assets, straight-line depreciation is used for both financial reporting purposes and tax purposes but the assets' lives are shorter for tax purposes.

g)_____Interest is received on an investment in tax-exempt municipal obligations.

h)_____Proceeds are received from a life insurance company because of the death of a key officer. (The company carries a policy on key officers).

i)_____The tax return reports a deduction for 80% of the dividends received from U.S. corporations. The cost method is used in accounting for the related investments for financial reporting purposes.

j)_____Estimated losses on pending lawsuits and claims are accrued for books. These losses are tax deductible in period(s) when the related liabilities are settled.

k)_____Expenses on stock options are accrued for financial reporting purposes.

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Finance Basics: Financial reporting purposes
Reference No:- TGS01836680

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