
Financial management - fin 512 explain the meaning of

Business sustainability becomes one of the most important pillars for all kind of businesses.

In not less than 400 words explain the followings:

1. Explain the meaning of Business sustainability and its main determinants.

2. UAE is working on adapting the concept of sustainability in all businesses; provide an example of this adaption wither from the private sector or the government sector.

3. What are the main methods or approaches that could be used to enhance business sustainability in UAE?

- Write a report using diversified sources of information (business and finance articles and magazines, the web, etc.)
- Make sure your report is fully referenced. Indicate source of information clearly and concisely.
- Report has got to be original work. You cannot submit work (in parts or full) submitted in previous semester or to another course even if it is your own.
- Report should be typed in Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced.
- Use a cover page detailing following information:
- Abu Dhabi University Logo
- Student Name,
- Student ID,
- Course number and section
- Instructor Name
- Date of submission.

Attachment:- Business Sustainability.rar

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Financial Management: Financial management - fin 512 explain the meaning of
Reference No:- TGS02213467

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