
Finally use your new temporary enrollment data set and the

1. Save this permanent SAS data set called enrollment.sas7bdat to a convenient location on your computer. Then, use the permanent data set to create a temporary SAS data set called enrollment that contains, in addition to the six variables in the permanent data set, a new numeric variable called college defined as follows:

  • if major is Accounting or Finance, then college is 1
  • if major is Computer Science or Electrical Engineering , then college is 2
  • if major is Biology or Mathematics, then college is 3

Format the new college variable so that:

  • when it equals 1, SAS displays the word Business
  • when it equals 2, SAS displays the word Engineering
  • when it equals 3, SAS displays the word Science

Finally, use your new temporary enrollment data set and the MEANS procedure to create a report containing average SATM and the average SATV for each college and looks just like this: 

2. Read the data contained in the gpa.dat file using a DATALINES statement into a permanent SAS data set called gpa. (To do so, you'll need to copy and paste the data into your SAS program.) The data in each record are: student id (Student), gender (Gender, Male or Female), GPA (GPA), time spent on studying weekly (Weekystudy) and seating location in a classroom (Sitting, Front, Middle or Back). Then, create a new variable called performance defined as follows:

  • if gpa is greater or equal to 3.7, then performance is Good
  • if gpa is greater or equal to 3.0 and less than 3.7, then performance is Average
  • ifgpais less than 3.0, thenperformanceis Bad

Finally, use your new permanent gpa data set to create a report that looks (exactly) like this:

3. Read the data contained in the bmi.dat file directly from the data file into a permanent SAS data set called bmi knowing that:

  • columns 1-6 contain gender (gender)
  • column 8 contains diet treatment (diet)
  • columns 10-12 contain weight in pounds (weight)
  • columns 14-15 contain height in inches (height)
  • columns 17-24 contain date of birth (dob)

When doing so, also create a new variable called bmi that contains BMI for each person. BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703. Then, use only the REPORT procedure to create a report that looks (exactly) like this:

And, use only the PRINT procedure to create a report that looks (exactly) like this:

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Mathematics: Finally use your new temporary enrollment data set and the
Reference No:- TGS01381679

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