
final project e-commerce web siteyour final

Final Project:  e-commerce Web Site

Your final project will be a Java programming project that uses design patterns to help form a dynamic Web database application. Be sure your code compiles and executes correctly before you submit it.

Project Requirements

  • Create your own online store Web site, selling products of your choice.
  • Create pages that allow you to search and buy available products, as well as add, update, or delete products from your inventory.
  • You must use JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology , Java servlets, JavaBeans (do not use EJBs - those are outside the scope of this course).
  • You must use a model 2 architecture.
  • You must use Oracle on UMUC's Nova server for your database.
  • Your application should be user-friendly.


1. the Java and JSP source codes

2. SQL scripts for creating a database in Oracle

3. any configuration files used

4. a well-written Word document describing:

a. your overall design, including a UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships

b. description of how to set up your application

c. your test plan, including test data and results with screen snapshots of each of your test cases

d. your approach, lessons learned, design strengths and limitations, and suggestions for future improvement and alternative approaches Format

Code format:

  • header comment block
  • appropriate comments within the code
  • appropriate variable and function names
  • correct indentation

Refrencing style: APA style

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Computer Engineering: final project e-commerce web siteyour final
Reference No:- TGS0489284

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