Final conclusion that addresses original claim

A recent broadcast of a television show had a 15 share, meaning that among 6000 monitored households with TV sets in use: 15% of them were tuned to this program. Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim of an advertiser that among the households with TV sets in use: less than 25% were tuned into the program. Identify the null h>pothesis: alternative h>pothesis: test statistic, P-value: conclusion about the null hypothesis: and final conclusion that addresses the original claim. Use the P-value method. Use the normal distribution as an approximation of the binomial distribution.

The test statistic is z = Q. (Round to two decimal places as needed.)

The P-value is Q. (Round to four decimal places as needed.)

Identify the conclusion about the null hypothesis and the final conclusion that addresses the original claim.

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Basic Statistics: Final conclusion that addresses original claim
Reference No:- TGS0743326

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