
Films on demand streaming video collection search for the

Watch this hour long video on Lockdown: Supermax, the Baddest of the Bad

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(Item #40791 from Films on Demand).

You can also access these video clips by going to the BVU Library website (www.bvu.edu/library (Links to an external site.)

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Find Articles > Databases by Title > Films On Demand Streaming Video Collection > search for the title of the video or the Item number.

When you have completed the video, please complete a 2 page APA style reaction paper. In your paper, research and report on the following:

The use of isolation as a punishment, its dangers and/or its effectiveness. Is it a violation of the Eighth Amendment or not?

Are supermax prisons necessary? Why or why not?

Please have a minimum of 2 outside sources backing up your thoughts. Cite your sources APA style. Your source CANNOT be a WIKI.

Your paper is to have a title page and reference page per APA. These pages do not count towards the total pages required

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Dissertation: Films on demand streaming video collection search for the
Reference No:- TGS02373865

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