Please write a film review about the Home Alone [1] or Home Alone [2] movie
Assignment Description:
To write a film review. Apply the vocabulary and concepts presented in class to the actual circumstances of a film viewing. The evaluation provides an opportunity to express informed and intelligent opinions about a films construction and its contents.
Class Objectives: Students will:
1. Identify and observe a film
2. Present the observations to the instructor in the form of a film review
3. Evaluate the impact and importance of the film through an appropriate analysis
4. Complete the self-grading rubric
Format for reviews:
A. Citation: Your citation should contain the lam, ing information
1. Title. of our film
2. Director of the film
3. Name of producer
4. Date of publication
5. Country of origin
6. Studio or distributor
APA Citation Example:
Producer, P. P. (Producer), & Director, D. I). (Director). (Date of publication). Title ul motion picture [Motion picture]. Country of origin: Studio or distributor.
Smith, J. D. (Producer), & Smithee, A. P. (Director). (2001). Really big disaster movie [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.