
Film highlighting historical development or policy

The movie link: kwikchinese.com/movies/ user name: 3360 password: 33603360

What you will write:

You are assigned specific scenes from movies we have watched so far, and you will explain how the films highlight historical development or policy shifts in the People's Republic of China since 1949. Generally speaking, assume you are writing to an audience without much knowledge of China, and you explain how the films give a sketch history of trends and policies to the present date. At the same time, you need to give brief descriptions of the assigned scenes, and if possible explain how the scenes fit into the films overall. Do not attempt to treat the films in their entireties, but when you introduce each scene, give some details of the film (name of film and a skeletal statement of the story).

You are not being asked whether you "like" or "dislike" the film, and you are not asked to write a comparison/contrast. If you do incorporate relevant use of music, soundtrack, narrative structure, camera, irony; this is a plus.


3 pages. You are graded on quality and covering the topics, not length.

Required scenes:

  • Tian'anmen - Bathhouse - Clip 4.
  • Sunflower - Announcement of Mao's Death - First minute of clip 3
  • To Live: Any scene of your choice.
  • Legend of Tianyun Mountain - Light Music - Clip 5 -(You don't have to mention every detail of Song Wei and Wu Yao's conversation, but the gist is important).
  • Ermo - Any scene of your choice

You must have these scenes.

Getting Started:

Avoid using "I." But if you wish to start the essay informally you could start like this: "This semester I am enrolled in a course about contemporary China. Many of the films we view can be discussed on artistic criteria, but the films all revolve around distinct periods of Chinese history, and can be used to discuss some important changes since the establishment of the People's Republic of China." Afterwards, avoid writing in the first person.



For a high grade, you must present a clearly defined and explained argument. Make sure you have a thesis statement, and make sure you explicate it. Avoid unsupported opinion and plot summary. Make sure the writing is logical and flows well. If English is not your first language, find somebody to read your essay before turning it in.

Reference - This is not a research paper, but if you find information elsewhere cite it.

  • Grading Rubric
  • Clearly stated argument
  • Clear transitions between paragraphs
  • Essay flows well in terms of logic and language.
  • Stated in neutral language
  • Avoids generalization (unsupported assertions).
  • Avoids "moral" arguments.
  • Inappropriate use of first person.
  • Inappropriate use of personal experience.
  • Uses precise, accurate language.
  • Follows assignment instructions

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Other Subject: Film highlighting historical development or policy
Reference No:- TGS0551711

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