
Film comparison and anaylsis

Film Comparison and Anaylsis:

Here is the list of films you can choose from. Pick one below and compare it with another feature film of your choice. You may also pick both from the list and compare them. The first 10 films on the list are really worth watching.

Please Pick one from below (or two if you are comparing them)

1. The Rules of the Game (France, 1939; 110min; Jean Renoir) [BFI #4]

2. Bicycle Thieves (Italy, 1948; 93min; Vittorio DeSica) [BFI #33]

3. The Red Shoes (England, 1948; 133min; Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger) [BFI #117]

4. Rashomon (Japan, 1950; 88min; Akira Kurosawa) [BFI #24]

5. Tokyo Story (Japan, 1953; 136min; Yasujiro Ozu) [BFI #3]

6. La Strada (Italy, 1954; 108min; Frederico Fellini) [BFI #202]

7. The Seventh Seal (Sweden, 1957; 96min; Ingmar Bergman) [BFI #93]

8. Breathless (France, 1960; 90min; Jean-Luc Godard) [BFI #13]

9. Ivan’s Childhood (Russia, 1962;95min; Andrei Tarkovsky)

10. The Battle of Algiers (Italy/Algeria, 1966; 120 min.; Gillo Pontecorvo) [BFI #48]

11. Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (Germany, 1922; 93min; F. W. Murnau) [BFI #117]

12. Pather Panchali (India, 1955; 115 min.; Satyajit Ray) [BFI #41]

13. Man With a Movie Camera (Soviet Union, 1929; 70min; Dziga Vertov) [BFI #8]

14. Triumph of the Will (Germany, 1935; Leni Riefenstahl);

15. The 39 Steps (England, 1935, 86 mins; Alfred Hitchcock)

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