
Fill in the code for method tostring which should return

A Bank Account Class
1. File Account.java contains a partial definition for a class representing a bank account. Save it to your directory and study
it to see what methods it contains. Then complete the Account class as described below. Note that you won't be able to test your methods until you write ManageAccounts in question #2.
a. Fill in the code for method toString, which should return a string containing the name, account number, and balance for the account.
b. Fill in the code for method chargeFee, which should deduct a service fee from the account.
c. Modify chargeFee so that instead of returning void, it returns the new balance. Note that you will have to make changes in two places.
d. Fill in the code for method changeName which takes a string as a parameter and changes the name on the account to be that string.
2. File ManageAccounts.java contains a shell program that uses the Account class above. Save it to your directory, and complete it as indicated by the comments.
3. Modify ManageAccounts so that it prints the balance after the calls to chargeFees. Instead of using the getBalance method like you did after the deposit and withdrawal, use the balance that is returned from the chargeFees method. You can either store it in a variable and then print the value of the variable, or embed the method call in a println statement.

These are the codes.

// Account.java
// A bank account class with methods to deposit to, withdraw from,
// change the name on, charge a fee to, and print a summary of the account.
public class Account
private double balance;
private String name;
private long acctNum;
//Constructor -- initializes balance, owner, and account number
public Account(double initBal, String owner, long number)
balance = initBal;
name = owner;
acctNum = number;
// Checks to see if balance is sufficient for withdrawal.
// If so, decrements balance by amount; if not, prints message.
public void withdraw(double amount)
if (balance >= amount)
balance -= amount;
System.out.println("Insufficient funds");
52 Chapter 4: Writing Classes
// Adds deposit amount to balance.
public void deposit(double amount)
balance += amount;
// Returns balance.
public double getBalance()
return balance;
// Returns a string containing the name, account number, and balance.
public String toString()

// Deducts $10 service fee
public void chargeFee()
// Changes the name on the account
public void changeName(String newName)
Chapter 4: Writing Classes © 2006 Pearson Education
// ****************************************************************
// ManageAccounts.java
// Use Account class to create and manage Sally and Joe's
// bank accounts
// ****************************************************************
public class ManageAccounts
public static void main(String[] args)
Account acct1, acct2;
//create account1 for Sally with $1000
acct1 = new Account(1000, "Sally", 1111);
//create account2 for Joe with $500
//deposit $100 to Joe's account
//print Joe's new balance (use getBalance())
//withdraw $50 from Sally's account
//print Sally's new balance (use getBalance())
//charge fees to both accounts
//change the name on Joe's account to Joseph
//print summary for both accounts

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Basic Computer Science: Fill in the code for method tostring which should return
Reference No:- TGS0119691

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