
Filing to innovate business case in chapter 13 management

"Failing to Innovate" business case in Chapter 13 (management information system 6th edition) of the text. Then write an overview that answers the following questions.

  1. If these companies(Apple Newton PDA, PointCast, Gopher Protocol, VisiCalc, Atari, Diamond Rio, Netscape Navigator, AltaVista, Ricochet Networks, IBM Simon Phone) all had a first-mover advantage, then why did the products fail?
  2. For each of the listed products above determine if the technology used was disruptive or sustaining.


  • Essay should be no less than 400 words in length.
  • Essay will be formatted in APA style.
  • Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  • Cite references as appropriate.
  • Create your assignment as a Word Document file type.

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Business Management: Filing to innovate business case in chapter 13 management
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