
Filing suit for breach of contract


The buyer contracted with the seller for the purchase of ribs. After delivery, the buyer refused to pay the contract price, claiming that the ribs arrived in an off condition. The seller filed suit for breach of contract. The buyer claimed that when the ribs were defrosted and thawed, they were unfi t for consumption. The seller claimed that the off condition occurred after delivery to the buyer. Who had to prove what? Did the buyer have to show that the off condition occurred before taking possession? Or could there have been some kind of assumption after the meat was defrosted? [ Chicago Prime Packers, Inc., PlaintiffAppellee, v. Northam Food Trading Co., DefendantAppellant, No. 04-2551, 7th Cir. Ct. of Appeals, 408 F.3d 894; 2005 U.S. App. LEXIS 9355.]

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Business Law and Ethics: Filing suit for breach of contract
Reference No:- TGS01959175

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