Filing for bankruptcy

Case Problem:

Woodcock graduated from law school and finished his MBA in 1983. His student loans came due nine months later. Because he was a part-time student until 1990, he requested that payment be deferred, which the lender incorrectly approved. Because he was not in a degree program, payment should not have been deferred under the terms of the loan. Woodcock filed for bankruptcy in 1992, more than seven years after the loans first became due. Hence, that debt would be discharged unless there was an applicable suspension of the repayment period. Do you feel this mistaken extension is an applicable suspension? Should his student loans be discharged through filing for bankruptcy? [ Woodcock v. Chemical Bank, 144 F.3d 1340 (10th Cir. 1998).]

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Business Law and Ethics: Filing for bankruptcy
Reference No:- TGS01959260

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