
Filing a defamation lawsuit against kohlenberg

Case Problem:

New Jersey residents Richard Gold Haber and his daughter, Danna, joined an Internet newsgroup that provided information about cruises and cruise ships. California resident Charles Knollenberg was a member of the same group. According to the Goldwater’s, Knollenberg began posting on this newsgroup certain messages that alleged the Goldwater’s had engaged in unlawful and immoral acts. These allegations were false, the Goldwater’s maintained. They filed a defamation lawsuit against Kohlenberg in a New Jersey court. Knollenberg sought to have the case dismissed, contending that the court lacked in personam jurisdiction over him. Did the New Jersey court have in personam jurisdiction over Kohlenberg?

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Business Law and Ethics: Filing a defamation lawsuit against kohlenberg
Reference No:- TGS01987051

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