
Figure out which version of freertos to use one suggestion

Tasks for the discussion:

Mission statement for the discussion: figure out more about the actual programs we will be using. and edit and watch, and make a conclusion

1. Figure out which version of FreeRTOS to use, one suggestion is V8. RUN IT AND WATCH [there are V9 and V6 at least, available]

2. Figure out what question you could ask and pose it. make a hypothesis or posed question to answer

examples: what does OK mean if anything, what is it measuring, can we change these, and would we want to change it, where are the queues, tick descriptions and so on.

3. Edit the program to do your analyzing. no need to edit the program if you question doesn't require it, like what is V140 and how can we fix this error. post your edit here [or links or fixes or whatever], no need to post the whole program

4. Write your conclusion

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Computer Engineering: Figure out which version of freertos to use one suggestion
Reference No:- TGS02944852

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