
Figure 13 listed a number of recommendations from a white

i would like to get short answers just like from the book

1. Who does the text identify as "the father of modern EMS?

2. Figure 1.3 listed a number of recommendations from a "White Paper." What was the name of the organization that published the paper and what was the title of the paper?

3. In 1966, legislation was passed by the US Congress that enabled the creation of what government agency that would oversee the development of EMS in the US to this day ?

4. Which Federal law was passed in 1973 (but vetoed, and then, ultimately, signed into law by President Gerald R. Ford in 1974) that designated Federal funding for improved EMS across the nation?

5. In 1996, the Federal "view" of EMS was updated in EMS by the US DOT NHTSA. This new US Federal "view" was published in what document?

6. What two television shows in the US have been commonly recognized to have had great influence on developing public support for EMS?

7. What government agencies are members of the Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS)?

8. The US Federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the parent organization of the Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP). DHS has two key agencies that provide EMS training and resources. What are these two agencies?

9. Which government agency does injury-prevention programs, surveillance, and maintains the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) database?

10. What agency maintains the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) that dispenses pallets of medications in the event of a terrorism attack?

11. What agency maintains the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) that dispenses pallets of medications in the event of a terrorism attack?

12. Which Federal agency reviews and sets reimbursement schedules, standards for billing, and privacy regulations for ambulance services?

13. Which Federal agency regulates standards for communication over the airwaves?

14. Which Federal agency manages the national quality award, called the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award?

15. What are the seven healthcare categories of the Malcolm Baldrige award?

16. Which US State offices fund and pay for ambulance transportation for indigent and low-income people?

17. List at least six roles and responsibilities of local medical authorities.?

18. Which agency nationally accredits EMS education programs?

19. Which agency nationally accredits ambulance services?

20. EMS educators have a national organization; what is it called?

21. What is the name of the national organization that tests and registers EMS providers?

22. What organization is a national lobbying organization for EMS?

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Science: Figure 13 listed a number of recommendations from a white
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