
Field of development of higher education and enhance


There are some views that the researcher's don't have any duties toward social responsibility or any ethical dimensions on their work. This opinion and other opinions have served to understand the responsibilities of the researchers (Douglas: 2009).

Using nanotechnological devices inside of human body to treatment or other purposes raises ethical issues (Bruce: 2007a). Also, modifications of the genetic structure of organisms (European Group on Ethics: 1996), genetic testing, nature of disease in medicine field, privacy and confidentiality and the right to know (Burgess: 2001; Kinderlerer and Longley: 1998).

The arises of concerns of the researches led to increasing demand for public oversight and participation the researchers in the social responsibilities (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993). These concerns led also of the social and natural scientists, ethicists and policy makers call the socio-ethical evaluate potential risks. Clarifying the real impact of the researches on society, human health and the environment, potential ethical, public health, and environmental protection implications (European Commission: 2008).

The impacts of researches can be happen in many of stages of R & D, where the ethical and social implications can be consideration. The ethical advisory bodies have a chance to consider the ethical implication on the researches (Paula: 2008). Like this chances to evaluate the socio-ethical of new technological development in all levels of R & D constitute important moments of integration of social and ethical considerations (Fisher: 2007). The moral responsibility for researchers translates on their duties to consider their researchs' ethical impact (Fisher: 2007).

The moral responsibility of researchers reflect on their work and specific obligations toward society (Shrader-Frechette: 1994; Longino: 1996; Resnik: 1998; Weil: 2002).

The requirements from researchers are two: the willingness to support the socio-ethical context on conviction not forcefully, the translation of principles into research decisions (Schuurbiers, 2010).

The initial hypotheses of researches con be confirm or refute according to empirical data which led to research outcomes. That suggestions can conceiving the potential risks to the researchers (Schuurbiers, 2010).

An empirical investigation social responsibilities reflected in its effects in a social, to ramify into other spheres of value and interest (Schuurbiers, 2010).

Field of development of higher education, and enhance programs of Distance Education especially.

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