
fictionfiction needs most careful consideration


Fiction needs most careful consideration in view of heavy demand and use and its ephemeral nature. Still its heavy use  may prompt librarians to decide  on binding, but at the same time has to retain a large stock to avoid complaints from readers that there are no fiction books available on the shelves. Binding a worn-out fiction is no less expensive, if not more expensive than purchasing another copy. Fiction has also been given the same treatment as other books in the past, resulting in over-binding. As a reaction against this policy many librarians today advocate cessation of binding for fiction which they claim can be purchased as cheaply as the cost of binding, with an improved psychological effect on readers. However some librarian believe that in order to keep continuity of actual volume of book stock, binding is still necessary. Materials of  temporary value and limited use  can be bound according to the specifications or the library and binder together can develop a type of suitable binding. However, such material does not need more durable binding.  

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Management Theories: fictionfiction needs most careful consideration
Reference No:- TGS0177314

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