Question 1: How does ionosphere propagation work? What are the main uses for this kind of propagation?
Question 2: Draw and describe unshielded twisted pair cable. Give its benefits and drawbacks.
Question 3: Draw and describe the shielded twisted pair cable. Give its benefits and drawbacks.
Question 4: Describe the coaxial cable with a neat diagram.
Question 5: On what principle does an optical fiber function? Illustrate in detail.
Question 6: Draw a well labeled diagram of a fiber optic cable and explain its working principle. Give its benefits and drawbacks.
Question 7: Describe the various kind of propagation of radio waves.
Question 8: How can communication occur through unguided media? Describe in reference to terrestrial microwave and satellite communication.
Question 9: Describe the fundamental principle of the cellular telephony.
Question 10: Illustrate how can be the performance of a transmission media is measured?