
Feudalism emerged in europe and feudal-like systems existed

All Questions must be answered in Essay format at least one page per question. 

1) Feudalism emerged in Europe and feudal-like systems existed in Africa and Asia.  What is it?  How did it emerge in Europe and what are its basic features? Compare European feudalism to Japanese feudalism.

2) Despite popular perception, subsaharan Africa had continental empires.  Compare/contrast the Sahelian empires i.e. Ghana, Mali, Songhai, and Kanem-Bornu.  Did Islam and Islamic Arabs or Berbers play any significant roles?

3) In many areas, Islam spread by trade.  Why/how in East African and Asia?

4) By 1410, two Iberian States, Portugal and Spain, had reached a critical stage in development that would set in motion the transformation of world history.  What were these factors?

5) On the other hand, what emerged in Islamic Spain that set in motion permanent changes in Europe, North Africa, and beyond?

6) Before Portuguese conquistadores were in the Indian Ocean, there is evidence that the Chinese of the Ming era had already traveled to East Africa.   What are the possible reasons for the Chinese exploration and why did they stop?

7) Your text does not explore pre-Columbian voyages of Africans, Asians, Polynesians and Europeans to the western hemisphere.  We do know that "Norsemen" settled in Greenland and even landed in northeastern areas of the United States before the Medieval Era.  And there is evidence that Africans visited the Caribbean Basin and Polynesians were in South America.  Yet, we have not focused on these visits/ Why?  What are the possible problems Historians have with these earlier visits?

8) Christopher Columbus is today honored for the discovery of the Americas but in 1502 he was not.  In fact another great mariner was credited for the "discovery".  Who is he?  Why was he actually the European who got the credit in the 16th century and if it is not Columbus, what was Columbus' real achievement that was positive and transformed humanity?

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Dissertation: Feudalism emerged in europe and feudal-like systems existed
Reference No:- TGS02175267

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