
Feminism is a white middle class ideology

“Feminism is a white middle class ideology and cannot liberate women from other backgrounds.” Discuss

2000 words

The essay must incorporate source material for a range of books, articles and, where appropriate, the www. Under no circumstances reference lecture notes, slides, or email exchanges, nonacademic blogs, or Wikipedia. Do not rely on textbooks. Students are expected to demonstrate that they have read widely on the relevant literature for the topic. An essay with only a limited number of references indicates to the marker a student has not properly read the literature. Essays are used to assess your knowledge and understanding of a subject. They will be judged in terms of structure, coherence and your ability to deal with complex ideas. Moreover, they will be used to assess your ability to communicate effectively. As a consequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, writing style, presentation, bibliographical/referencing and word processing skills will form part of the overall assessment of your essay.

You may use either the Harvard or footnoting system of referencing, however, in each case it must match exactly the referencing style set out in the style guide placed on Moodle. Failure to do so will mean marks lost.


M. Barrett (2014) Women’s Oppression Today: The Marxist / Feminist Encounter, London: Verso.

V. Bryson (1992) Feminist Political Thought: An Introduction, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

J. Butler (1990) Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, London: Routledge.

Available online:


D. Coole (1993) Women in Political Theory, 2nd ed., London: Prentice-Hall.

D. Coole (2001) `Threads and plaits or an unfinished project? Feminism(s) through the twentieth century, in M. Freeden (ed.) Reassessing Political Ideologies, Routledge: Oxford.

hooks, b. (2000) Feminism is for Everyone, Cambridge, MA: South End Press. Available online:


hooks, b. (nd.) Understanding Patriarchy:


J.S. Mill (1869) The Subjection of Women. Available online:


J. Mitchell & A. Oakley (eds.) (1986), What is feminism?,London: Wiley-Blackwell.

V. Randall (2001) `Feminism and Political Analysis’ Political Studies, 39 (3): 513-532.

S. Rowbotham, L. Segal & H. Wainwright (2012) Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making and Socialism, London: The Merlin Press.

V. Solanas (2004) Scum Manifesto, London: Verso.

N. Waters (1999) The New Feminism, London: Virago.

N. Waters (2005) Feminism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

M.Wollstonecraft (1792) A Vindication of the Rights of Women with strictures on Political and

Moral subjects. Available online:


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