Assignment Task:
17 year old female presents c/o fever, chills, abdominal pain, bodyaches, leg pains and dysuria x 2 days, patient started with right lower back pain 1 week ago that was coming and going, at times 8/10, but then would improve, patient taking Advil 800 mg every 6hours for pain with some relief, today pain increased dramatically is >10/10; + vomited x 4 but thinks it was due to the pain, no diarrhea, no URI, + sexually active, uses condoms and OCPs, LMP 2 weeks ago with no change to flow or cycle. PMHX: asthma Meds Albuterol PRN, OCPs All: NKMA Social: 6th grade teacher, basket ball coach for girls team, runner- runs 3-4 miles/day, Need Online Tutoring?