
Felix rincon kariann-counseling and aural rehabilitation

Assignment task:

Your Name: Felix Rincon Kariann-Counseling and Aural Rehabilitation Observation Date: 09/02/24 Patient ID: Kariann-Counseling and Aural Rehabilitation Disorder: Time observed (in minutes): 57 minutes Goal(s): Activity(ies): • Feedback: Cuing: Outcome(s): Most notable moments (and your reflection): Based on your knowledge of what makes a "good" therapy session, how do you rate this one? Why?: Other comments (not required): Kariann is an 18-year-old who was diagnosed with cancer at age 12. Her subsequent chemotherapy caused bilateral hearing loss. Kariann began wearing hearing aids at age 12. Six years later, her hearing dropped to a severe-profound level, bilaterally. With the progression of her hearing loss, hearing aids provided minimal benefit even with speechreading. At the time of filming, Kariann had been wearing her cochlear implant and hearing aids for one week. In addition to hearing loss, Kariann has articulation deterioration due to poor auditory feedback for the past six years. In this video, Kariann and her mother describe their experiences dealing with Kariann's cancer and subsequent hearing loss. Karianne demonstrates how she has learned to advocate for herself to get her communication needs met in school and with friends. She describes the accommodations she had in school to have full access to. Want 24x7 Assignment Help service online to answer?

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Other Subject: Felix rincon kariann-counseling and aural rehabilitation
Reference No:- TGS03444410

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