
Feeling pleased with themselves

Blackbeard, bluebeard, and redbeard were feeling pleased with themselves. They had just plundered another ship as well as taken the stash of gold and bared the in blackbeards back yard. They decided to sleep in the back yard that night, unfortunantly they should have been gaurding the gold from eachother. Soon after everyone else had gone to sleep blackbeard got up and decided to take his fair share. He seperated the gold in 3 piles. There was 1 piece of gold left over which he barried and then he took one of the piles of gold put the remaining piles back together into one big pile. Bluebeard got up and did the same thing as blackbeard, seperated the gold into 3 piles and there was one left over in which he barried. He took one of the three piles and combined the other 2 and barried them. Redbeard got up last and found the 2 piles half barried in the ground he put them with the remaining piles then he took 1/3 of the pile that remained and went back to bed. In the morning they all got up and accused eachother of taking some. No one would admit guilt, so the ended up splitting the remaining piles evenly which came to 16 more pieces per pirate. How many pieces did each pirate end up with.

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Mathematics: Feeling pleased with themselves
Reference No:- TGS0874035

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