
Feedback plan for the sixth recruiting brigade

Problem: Create a feedback plan for the 6th Recruiting Brigade (Budget Division) selected from last week writing assignment. Below are some guidelines to assist with this assignment:

1. What do you want from the meeting? Understanding? Agreement? Action? Further work?

2. Structure the meeting so you have at least as much time for discussion as for presentation of results.

3. Review wording of feedback to make it as nonevaluative and descriptive as possible.

4. Which elements of your message are likely to generate defensiveness by the client?

5. What form is the defensiveness or resistance likely to take?

6. What questions can you ask to get the resistance expressed in the meeting?

Include the following in your feedback plan:

1. Communication plan

a. Types of communications you plan to use, such as status reports, status meetings, any regulatory required reports, conference calls, and awareness building plans
b. Frequency of communication
c. Tools necessary to meet communication and feedback commitments

2. Feedback meeting plan

a. Purpose of the meeting
b. Stakeholders you would include in the meeting
c. Structure of the meeting
d. Brief overview of the feedback: presenting problem and real problem
e. Questions prepared to anticipate and reveal resistance
f. Strategies to get feedback from stakeholders on satisfaction with the consultation
g. Tools necessary for the feedback meeting.

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Other Management: Feedback plan for the sixth recruiting brigade
Reference No:- TGS01865957

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