Feedback on The History of Affirmative Action an FYI.
Mandatory length for the paper is 5-8 pages so I need responses I can elaborate upon.
The paper must address the outline below.with correct APA citing, requires 5 APA references and in-text citations. This paper should follow the outline submitted: management recommendations section is a must!
I. Legal Context of Affirmative Action
1. Equal Employment Opportunity
a. Discrimination
b. ADA
II. Affirmative Action Pros & Cons
III. Planning for People
A. Leadership
1. Organizational Structure
B. Business Strategy
1. Equal Employment Opportunity
a. Unequal (disparate) Treatment
b. Adverse Impact (unintentional)
C. Diversity
1. In Management
2. Making the Business Case for Diversity
3. The Changing Labor Market
4. Office
a. Culture
b. Age-Based Diversity
5. Managing Diversity
VI. Recruiting
1. Social Media
2. Internal Recruitment
a. Job Postings
b. Employee Referrals
3. External Recruitment
V. Solutions