
Feedback in nonlinear control theory


Summarize the properties/attributes of turbo codes by expanding on the following six issues:

a. Structural composition of the turbo encoder and decoder.
b. Improvement in the speed of decoding attributed to the two constituent decoders at the expense of increased computational complexity.
c. Similarity of turbo decoding to the use of feedback in nonlinear control theory.
d. Feeding extrinsic information from constituent decoder 1 to constituent decoder 2, back and forth, thereby maintaining statistical independence between the bits from one iteration to the next.
e. Typical termination of the turbo decoding process after a relatively small number of iterations, somewhere in the range of 10 to 20. f. Relatively small degradation in decoding performance of the Max-log-MAP algorithm in the order of 0.5 dB, compared with the MAP algorithm.

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