
Federal agency is authorized to make legally binding

1. A federal agency is authorized to make legally binding regulations only if:.

A. the Congress gives it the power by enabling statutes.

B.  the President gives it the power by executive order.

C. the Courts affirm the inherent agency power.

D. the Congress gives it the power under the Government in the Sunshine Act

2. Federal whistleblowers are people who expose waste and fraud in an organization, either public or private. Whistleblowers are protected by:

A. the Federal Whistleblower Act of 1976.

B. the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978.

C. the National Whistleblower Act of 1976.

D. the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.

3. The U.S. Constitution imposes significant limits on the power of any agency to conduct an investigation.



4. Agency can perform the following functions:

A. executive (enforcement).

B. legislative (creation of rules and procedures).

C. judicial (hearings).

D. all three.

5. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) promulgated a new federal safety standard for multi-purpose lighters. The new rule will require multi-purpose lighters to be child-resistant. This rule would have the legal effect of a statute.



6. The Freedom of Information Act prevents an agency from disclosing personal information to any person or agency without the consent of the individual.



7. A consumer may rescind a contract without liability when the contract is for:

A. the purchase of a new automobile.

B. the purchase of a used automobile.

C. a home-solicited sale of services for $50 within three days.

D. a home-solicited sale of goods for $25 that was made ten days earlier.

8. The owner of a lost credit card is:

A. liable for all purchases made by its finder if the card was lost through negligence.

B. not liable for any purchases if the card was lost despite the exercise of reasonable care by the cardholder.

C. liable for all purchases if the card originally had been sent to the cardholder without any prior request and never was used by such holder.

D. Never liable for more than $50 of the purchases made by the finder.

9. The Fair Credit Reporting Act applies:

A. to or evaluating consumer credit for third anyone who generates a credit report.

B. to anyone who regularly engages in the practice of disseminating or evaluating consumer credit for third parties.

C. only to commercial lenders.

D. only to credit reporting bureaus, whose reports, in addition to financial information, include information from interviews with colleagues and neighbors.

10. A jury found that Amos is liable for $42,000 of Alice's injuries while he was driving drunk. Amos will be able to avoid this verdict when he files for bankruptcy



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Operation Management: Federal agency is authorized to make legally binding
Reference No:- TGS02912119

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