
Features of project-based learning - collaborative learning

Question 1)

Answer in one sentence each:

(a) In which year EduSAT was launched?

(b) What is E-mail?

(c) Write down the full form of C.A.L.

(d) Explain Intranet?

(e) Write two major clauses in Copyright Act.

Question 2) Identify odd one in each group:

(a) Camera, Scanner, Printer, Microphone

(b) Website, Wiki, Blog, DVD

(c) O.H.P., LCD Projector, Television, Radio

(d) DVD, CD, Pen Drive, RAM

(e) Internet Forum, Newsgroup, Wiki, E-mail

Question 3)

Answer the following:

(a) Explain uses of ICT in Evaluation Procedures.

(b) Describe Concept of ‘Net-safety’.

(c) Illustrate advantages of E-library.

(d) Explain features of Project-based Learning.

(e) Describe characteristics of Collaborative Learning.

(f) Write down the details of Technological Tools required for Virtual Classroom.

Question 4) Answer the following questions:

(a) What is Software? Describe functions of Operating System.

(b) Describe the following concepts in detail:

(i) Web-based Learning

(ii) Technology Aided Learning

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Other Subject: Features of project-based learning - collaborative learning
Reference No:- TGS05838

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