
Features of nayaka-ayagar system in vijaynagar kingdom

Attempt all the questions in about 500 words each. The assignment is divided into two Sections ‘A’ and ‘B’

Section A

1. Trace transition from the emergence of the territorial states to empire in north india.

2. Give the account of the political processes in peninsular India between 6th-8th centuries A.D.

3. Write the note on textual sources on statecraft. To what extent have these contributed to the modern historians understanding of the nature of state under the Delhi Sultanate?

4. Briefly discuss the nature of colonial state.

5. Explain the activities of the European trading companies in the 17th and 18th centuries in India.

Section B

6. Discuss most important features of the Nayaka and Ayagar system in the Vijaynagar kingdom.

7. Highlight main characteristics of administrative structure of Bengal as a successor state in the 18th century.

8. Describe the nature of post-colonial state

9. Discuss the variety of ideological discourses of the “Raj” How far were they aimed at justifying colonial rule in India?

10. Write short-notes on the following:

i) Documentation project of the state.

ii) Mansab and Jagir system.

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History: Features of nayaka-ayagar system in vijaynagar kingdom
Reference No:- TGS02116

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