
Features of irs and icf coach

Question 1: What are the characteristics or features of an IRS coach? What are the benefits of an ICF coach over the IRS coach?

Question 2: Describe the various portions of the under frame and super structure of the coach.

Question 3: Why ICF coach is termed as integral design coach? Explain the different parts of an ICF coach? How the weight transfer occurs in an ICF coach?

Question 4: What are the salient characteristics or features of the LHB coach?

Question 5: Explain different items attended throughout rolling-in examination and terminating examination of a goods train.

Question 6: What are the needs for running a goods train in the closed air rake? How is it distinct from the premium rake examination? Describe the difference between the closed rake circuit rake examination and the premium rake examination.

Question 7: What are the main differences between Ends to end examination, closed circuit rake examination and the premium rake examination?

Question 8: Describe the Closed circuit and premium examination of wagons in detail.

Question 9: Draw a wheel profile and point out its root, flange and tread.

Question 10: Describe the Closed circuit and end to end examination of wagons in detail.

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Mechanical Engineering: Features of irs and icf coach
Reference No:- TGS07719

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