
Features of functional organization structure

Question 1: Describe the features of functional organization structure. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Describe the situations under which it is more appropriate.

Question 2: What are the different types of organization structures? Describe them with their advantages and disadvantages.

Question 3: What are the types of committee organization? Describe the basic principles of committee organization.

Question 4: Organizations with large number of branches should adopt Centralized Purchasing. Describe.

Question 5: Describe the features of functional organization structure. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Describe the situations under which it is more appropriate.

Question 6: Differentiate between Mechanistic and Organic Structures of Organization.

Question 7: How does line and staff organization structure distinct from line organization structure? What are the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organization structure?

Question 8: What are the causes of conflict between line and staff? What can be done to develop line and staff members in to integrated team?

Question 9: Describe the features of the given organization structures in brief.

a) Functional organization.
b) Line and staff organization.
c) Matrix organization.

Question 10: Describe the merits of matrix organization and virtual organization in the present business content.

Question 11: Describe any six factors influencing span of control in detail. Describe how span of control influences structures and managerial effectiveness.

Question 12: Why it is essential to make staff positions in organizations? Do these positions decrease the authority of line managers? Describe.

Question 13: Describe the principles to be observed while designing an organization structure.

Question 14:

a) What do you understand by the term decentralization?
b) How do you find out the need for decentralization? Describe. 

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Other Management: Features of functional organization structure
Reference No:- TGS03601

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