Answer the following questions.
Question 1) Define the terms:
i) Biological Control.
ii) Citrus Canker.
iii) Endospores.
iv) Industrial uses of fungi.
v) Basidiocarp.
vi) Plant disease indexing.
vii) Erysiphe cichovacearam.
viii) Whipsmut of sugarcane.
Question 2) Explain the function of microorganisms in transformation of nitrogenous compounds.
Question 3) Write the general account of control of plant viral diseases.
Question 4) What are the significant features of Ainsworths system of classification of fungi?
Question 5) Give the account of asexual and sexual reproduction in zoosporic fungi.
Question 6) Write briefly about mechanism of entry of plant pathogens in to plants.
Question 7) Write briefly about mushroom cultivation.
Question 8) What are the symptoms for detection of damping off disease of vegetables? What are the causal organisms and factors affecting disease development?