
Features of a static variable

Q1. Write down a program to read a positive integer and print its binary equivalent.

Q2. Electric power Distribution Company charges its domestic consumers as shown below:

1948_power distribution.jpg

Write down a C program by using nested if statements to read in customer number and power consumed and print out the amount to be paid by the customer.

Q3. Illustrate the restrictions to ternary operators?

Q4. Write down a program to check whether an array is ordered. If ordered print an appropriate message as “Ascending” or “Descending”. Or else “not ordered”.

Q5. Describe the features of a static variable. Write down a C program to describe the properties of the static variable.

Q6. Write down a C program to delete a node from a singly linked list. Accommodate all the cases of the deletion in your program.

Q7. Write down a program that will read a string and rewrite it in the alphabetical order. For illustration, the word STRING must be written as the GINRST.

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C/C++ Programming: Features of a static variable
Reference No:- TGS010544

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