
Features of a fractal

Q1. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. Draw the line from (0,0) to (6,7) by using DDA algorithm.

Q2. By using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm determine the co-ordinates of the line joining (-1, 2) and (9, 7) that is visible in the rectangle (0, 0), (0, 5) and (10,5), (10, 0).

Q3. Describe Phong specular-reflection model.

Q4. What do you mean by the term diffuse reflections? In brief describe the importance of diffuse reflection coefficient and ambient-reflection coefficient in the computations of diffuse reflections.

Q5. How are colors produced on a CRT screen?

Q6. Illustrate the main features of a fractal? Deduce the formula for the dimension of fractal.

Q7. Explain in brief the self-squaring transformations, which can produce the fractals.

Q8. Explain in brief how we can simulate the zero acceleration, positive acceleration and deceleration among two key frames in the animation.

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Computer Graphics: Features of a fractal
Reference No:- TGS011485

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