Feasibility Report (Please do not attempt to solve if you can not fulfill all the requirements)
Feasibility reports are a yardstick to measure solutions which lead to a recommended course of action. These thorough investigations, to determine the viability and practicality of the proposal, are necessary to minimize organizational risk and minimize risks. When proposing a product, service, strategy, initiative, program, process, or change. Feasibility reports are critical to identify roadblocks to implementation and to maximize the changes for success. All business professionals must understand how to use through research to make decisions and communicate findings.
Your Task
You will explore the feasibility of a product, service, strategy, initiative, policy, program, process, or change. An individual may explore an aspect of the persuasive multimedia presentation topic if desired. A senior management or board of directors will be the recipient of the feasibility report. You will present this information as an analytic report.
The reports should adhere to this organization:
Cover page
Table of Contents
Introduction (approx. 1-1.5 pages)
Purpose and overview of report organization
Problem/Need – background of problem/need, and why?