
fats true fats triglycerides neutral fatsthey

FATS ( = True Fats, Triglycerides, Neutral Fats)

  1. They are esters of fatty acids and 3-carbon trihydric alcohol glycerol (= glycerine).
  2. True fat is also called triglyceride.
  3. Ester is formed due to reaction between carboxylic group of an organic acid and hydroxyl group of an alcohol producing an ester linkage.
  4. Fats are hydrolysed by enzyme lipase into their constituent fatty acids and glycerol.
  5. They are also hyrolysed by means of alkali. They yields glycerol and alkali salts of fatty acids or soaps.
  6. The phenomenon is called saponification.
  7. True fats are neutral in reaction and are, therefore, also called neutral fats.
  8. They do not have any colour, taste and odour.
  9. Fats are stored as droplets or globules.
  10. In animal bodies they occur inside special cells called adipocytes.
  11. The tissue storing fat is called adipose tissue.
  12. In plants the fat is commonly stored in seeds.
  13. Fat storing seeds are called oil seeds, e.g., Rape-seed, Mustard, Sunflower, Cotton & Groundnut.
  14. Fat is high energy food reserve in both plants are animals.

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Biology: fats true fats triglycerides neutral fatsthey
Reference No:- TGS0173252

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