
Fashion is frivolous vanity and serves little function in

1. Fashion is frivolous vanity and serves little function in the country's economic big picture. Using the most current statistics available, determine the validity of the above claim.

2. It is common knowledge that the Republican Party leads the nation's growth. Using causal argument methodology, examine the historical role reversal of the value systems of Republicans and Democrats to determine the validity of the above claim. Census Bureau statistics will be useful.

3. Using Census Bureau records, consider media influence on national political campaigns fifty or a hundred years ago in comparison with its influence today. Write a causal argument addressing the claim: the media runs the nation.

4. Bilingual education is a money guzzling drain on the US economy, and serves no real function. Using the most current statistics available determine the successfulness of bilingual education in America's public school system to address the above claim. Causal argument required.

5. Consider, is there a difference between greed and wealth? After examining the statistics involved, define "economic greed." Under what circumstances, if any, could "economic greed" be considered an ethical practice? Ethical argument required.

6. Reasonable suspicion in the United States is a catchall term used by law enforcement to harass minorities. Create an ethical argument examining citizen rights when an officer of the law finds something (e.g., firearms, narcotics, burglary tools, etc.) not being sought. The issue of "reasonable suspicion" must be defined and criteria and categories identified before the above claim can be ethically argued. Statistical evidence is required.

7. In America a rich man's secretary is likely to pay more income tax than his/her boss. Research America's Federal Income Tax system to determine the validity of the above claim. Using data garnered from the Census Bureau write a causal argument arguing whether or not the Federal Income Tax system is fair to rich and poor alike.

8. Argue whether or not the current conglomeration of media companies mandates which version of the news Americans hear. Definition argument required. Use economic data/evidence to establish which news company/companies are owned by which conglomerations

9. When looking up the term "throwaway society" in a dictionary, one should not be surprised to find a picture of the American flag instead of words. Define "throwaway society" and research statistical data involved to argue the above statement.

10. Racial profiling is alive and well in America. Using Census Bureau data and crime statistics involved to address the above claim. Identify relevant racial statistics.

• The Bureau of Justice statistics Data Analysis would be very helpful:
• Use the statistics resources on the Criminal Justice Research Guide:

11. Teenage repeat offenders should suffer the same consequences as grown ups-molly coddling them is the ruination of a nation. Review current statistics and determine the consequences of treating children who commit certain crimes as adults. Write a causal argument on the above claim.

12. What ethical considerations or conflicts of interest for a corporate media news channel? Before determining an answer, you must first define the ethical considerations and set up categories, criteria, and provide statistical data.

13. The American public is being held hostage by foreign oil barons; accordingly, America needs to be self-sustaining and stop importation of foreign oil. After examining the statistics involved argue the above claim.

14. Research the statistics and cost involved in administering the death penalty. Examine the average length and costs of the appeals process. Defend or refute the claim that capital punishment is an affirmation of life.

15. Using the most current statistics and scientific data examining global climate change. Research how the USA contributes to the problem. Write a proposal argument that addresses the legislation needed for the USA to lessen emissions.

16. Rampant unemployment is conducive of the fact that we have shipped our manufacturing job out of the nation. Using the most current statistical data and research available determine if American society is too dependent on items manufactured in other countries.

17. It is common knowledge that the Democratic Party leads the nation's growth. Using causal argument methodology, examine the historical role reversal of the value systems of Republicans and Democrats to determine the validity of the above claim. Census Bureau statistics will be useful.

18. Obesity is consuming the country's resources at an alarming rate. After reviewing the most current health and obesity statistics available (US Census Bureau) argue whether the government needs to regulate the diets of its citizens. Casual argument: analysis of statistical data required.

19. In the economically challenged neighborhoods of San Antonio obesity is rampant and inexpensive fast-food chains abound. Determine the validity of the claim using the most current statistics available dealing with obesity in Texas and San Antonio. Determine which areas of the city are the most economically challenged. Identify the areas where inexpensive fast food chains are clustered. Determine if there is a correlation to poverty and obesity rates in the city. Argue the ethical considerations your findings, and indeed the above claim if necessary.

20. Define fracking. Examine the statistical evidence dealing with the economics and environmental issues concerning fracking. Is fracking an ethical practice? Ethical argument required.

21. Write a causal argument discussing the affect of parents or other entities assuming the financial responsibility for a young adult's college education. After reviewing statics dealing with graduation rates in correlation with the GPAs involved, argue whether relieving students of the financial burden hinders the GPA and/or the maturation process.

22. In politics, more money equals more media exposure; thus, money rules the nation. Using Census Bureau records, consider media influence on national political campaigns fifty or a hundred years ago in comparison with its influence today argue the above claim. Does your research reveal any troubling results? Ethical argument is required.

23. The American public is being held hostage by foreign oil barons; accordingly, America needs to be self-sustaining and stop importation of foreign oil. After examining the statistics involved argue the above claim.

24. Depending on other countries to fulfill many of its basic needs is not good for the nation. Using the most current statistical data and research available determine if American society is too dependent on items manufactured in other countries.

25. Conservatives, liberals, and radicals all have different ideas about the purposes of a public education. Research the relevant statistical data involved, identify the perspectives of each, and craft a Rogerian argument for or against one particular viewpoint.

26. Identify and define a particular area of the Criminal Justice System. Now, research the statistics involved in a particular type of crime (child abuse, drug use, violent crime, etc.). After studying the statistics involved and defining the Criminal Justice System, write a proposal argument addressing needed reform.

27. Is stem cell research ethical? Before determining an answer and writing an ethical argument, you must first define the ethical considerations and set up categories, criteria, and provide statistical data.

28. Should healthcare in America be provided to rich and poor alike? Research the current statistics involved. Define the current state of healthcare in America and then write and ethical argument addressing the above question

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English: Fashion is frivolous vanity and serves little function in
Reference No:- TGS0780962

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