Family Case Study
This assignment requires analysis of a family case study and application of key course concepts.
1. Read the article: Intentionally Thoughtful Family Engagement in Early Childhood Engagement. Examine the case study of the family from China (pages 13 - 14).
2. When reading the case study, reflect on what you have learned to date about the following:
o the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment
o NAEYC professional standards for Building Family and Community Relationships
o the three contextualist theories
o the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework
o Help Me Grow.
3. Prepare an explicit, 2 to 3 page written analysis (not including the cover and references pages). Use APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition to cite and reference all work. This includes in-text citations and bibliographic references.
A. Summarize the issues concerning the family.
B. Expand on the plan of support strategies presented in the article:
o Connect the strategies to three (3) of the following key concepts: NAEYC's ethical ideals and guiding principles, NAEYC professional standards, theoretical perspectives, the Protective Factors, and/or Help Me Grow core components.
o Identify three additional strategies to support the child and family.
C. Utilize professional terminology in the articulation of your analysis and planned strategies (e.g., specific ideals and/or principles, complete names of protective factors).
D. Reflect on and describe your life experiences that relate to this case study.