
family centred activities to ensure harmonious

Family Centred Activities to Ensure Harmonious Relationship:

Between various members of  the family attitudes of mutual trust, love and respect for one another need  to be  fostered. Attitudes of  warmth, acceptance and love, emotional support and facilitating growth of  children to realise their full potential go a long way in primary prevention. 

Programmes Oriented to Keep Families Intact:

Educational services in  the field of mental health and mental hygiene. Parent-teacher associations. Home maker services when  there is absence of  the mother from home due to illness or other reasons for prolonged periods, the public health nurse can  arrange  for the service. Child guidance clinics to guide the parents in proper child rearing practices, and to clear their doubts on mental health issue of  the child. Marital counseling for those having marital problems.  . 

Programmes  for Families in Crisis:

Some normal developmental crisis are: The children passing through adolescence. Birth of  a new baby. Retirement or menopause. Death of  a wage earner  in  the family. Desertion by  the spouse. These crisis situation can be handled by  attendance at mental hygiene clinics psychiatric fmt aid centers, walk-in-clinics, etc.  

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Biology: family centred activities to ensure harmonious
Reference No:- TGS0176397

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