
Familiarize yourself with a journal from your field of

Write the journal exploration assignment.

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Journal Exploration Project

Journals are the predominant place that academics and researchers publish their research and ideas. What sets journals apart from other publications is that all the published articles are reviewed by expert reviewers and evaluated for their academic worthiness. This means that not all articles submitted are published and that most authors have articles rejected or sent back for revision before they are accepted for publication.

This assignment asks you to familiarize yourself with a journal from your field of study so you can see what types of research are published in your field, how people in your field write, and what is currently being talked about and researched in your field. Knowing what's going on can help you design good projects that meet the research demands of your field, follow the research and data collection methods of your field, and that people will find interesting and useful for the current topics in your field.

You need to select a journal from the list below (All are available through the LINK). For your selected journal you need to determine:

• Publication Information:
o Who published this journal?
o Who are the editors? (Where do they work? What have they done professionally?)
o How often is the journal published?

• Article Information:
o What types of articles are included? (Research Report, Book Review, Commentary, etc.)
o What topics, generally speaking, are covered? (Not the specifics in each article, but generally. So not using Facebook to teach writing, but social media and writing.)
o How many articles in each issue?
o How long are the articles?

• Submission Guidelines
o What are the length requirements?
o What style (APA, ASCE, Chicago, or something else) should articles be in?
o Does the journal require Institutional Review Board approval for submission?
o What formats should articles be submitted in?
o Where are articles submitted?
o Does the journal have any current Calls for Papers (CPFs)? What are their subjects or themes?
You have access to the full text of all of these journals through the university website. The easiest way to locate them is to use the "Search for a Specific Journal" link on the Digital Library page.

Your report should be 1-2 pages in length, with 3 distinct sections. Each section should have a heading that matches the 3 major bullets above. Content within each section should be in paragraph format. Paragraphs should be single-spaced.

Your report should have a header and headings in APA style (see pages 62-63, 230 in the APA Publication Manual (6th Edition). Your title should be the title of the journal, centered in italics.



 Journal Title

Journal Website

Academy of Management Journal


Bloomberg Businessweek


Business Ethics Quarterly

https://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJourna l?jid=BEQ

The Economist: A Weekly Financial, Commercial and Real Estate Newspaper




Fast Company


The Financial Times






Harvard Business Review


IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management




Journal of Business Ethics

https://www.springer.com/social+sciences/applied+ ethics/journal/10551

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management https://ascelibrary.org/journal/jcemd4

Journal of Engineering, Project & Production Management

Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies https://jlo.sagepub.com/
Journal of Leadership Studies https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%2 8ISSN%291935-262X
Journal of Leadership, Management, and Organizational Studies   https://www.scientificjournals.org/submission_guidelines_leadership.htm
Journal of Management in Engineering https://ascelibrary.org/journal/jmenea
Journal of Technology, Management &  Applied Engineering https://www.atmae.org/?page=JTMAE
Leadership Quarterly 
Stanford Social Innovation Review https://www.ssireview.org/
The Wall Street Journal https://www.wsj.com/

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Dissertation: Familiarize yourself with a journal from your field of
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