
Falling waters subdivision is zoned exclusively residential

Hypothetical and Ethical Dilemma

Timothy Ackers is a "stay-at-home dad" living in Falling Waters subdivision in Olympia, Washington. Timothy's wife Julia earns a six-figure income at the largest accounting firm in Olympia, and both husband and wife feel fortunate that one of them is able to stay at home with their two young children, four-year-old Hope and two-year-old Matthew.

Timothy is part of the community watch organization in his subdivision, and as a stay-at-home parent, he has ample opportunity to observe the daily neighborhood "goings-on." For the past six months, Timothy has noticed heightened activity at the house down the street owed by the Penningtons (Clara and Jonathan;) approximately eight to twelve cars come and go from the Pennington driveway every day, and four months ago, handicapped access ramps were installed at the front and back entrances to the home. On several occasions, Timothy has seen elderly people sitting in wheelchairs in the Penningtons' front yard.

Curious, Timothy knocks on the front door of the Pennington home one Monday morning. Clara Pennington answers. Ackers states "Good morning, Clara. I know the old saying that ‘curiosity killed the cat,' but I can't help myself. What's going on at your house? Why are all the elderly people here? I though both of your parents were deceased, and I thought Jonathan's parents had ‘passed on' as well. Are these people related to you?"

Clara responds: "Timothy, Jonathan and I decided six months ago to open up an elderly care facility. We didn't have the money to purchase a separate building, so we decided to care for the elderly in our home. This gives me a wonderful opportunity to stay at home, and I wouldn't be able to do that just on Jonathan's income. Plus, think of the advantages for our clients. Isn't this so much better than a regular rest home? These folks have cried tears of joy, and they thank me every day for providing them the quality of care they had hoped for in their ‘golden years.'"

Falling Waters subdivision is zoned exclusively residential. Should Timothy report the Penningtons' zoning violation? What ethical issues are involved in Timothy's decision?

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Finance Basics: Falling waters subdivision is zoned exclusively residential
Reference No:- TGS0640993

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