Fair value adjustment
IFRS 3 requires that goodwill on consolidation should be based on the fair values of the net assets of the subsidiary company on the date of acquisition.
This means that the subsidiary company should revalue its assets on the date of acquisition.But unfortunately no revaluation may have been done. For the purpose of consolidation, it is important to determine what should have been the revaluation gain or loss if an asset is revalued. In most cases we revalue non current assets such as Property, plan nd equipment, intangible assets and long term investments. If there is a revaluation gain on any of the assets then the following entry will be made:
a) To record the revaluation gain
DR. Group PPE/intangible assets/Longterm investments (with the full revaluation gain)
CR. Cost of control (with holding company share of revaluation gain)
CR. M.I (with M.I’s share of the revaluation gain)
For assets that are meant to be depreciated or amortized, (PPE and Intangibles), the total depreciation or amortization that should be charged to date should be estimated and provided for .
b) Compute the additional depreciation that should have been provided to date had the subsidiaries assets been revalued and record the amount as follows;
DR. Group retained profits (with holding company share of additional depreciation)
DR. M.I (with M.I’s share of additional depreciation)
CR. Group PPE/Intangible assets (with the full additional depreciation)