
Factual information about kraft foods group

Problem: Find factual information about Kraft Foods Group. Find at least one source per component that addresses most of its characteristics. List the sources found for each component and indicate what information each one provides for each component. Evaluate each source in terms of its objectivity, reliability, and truthfulness.


1. What is the organization's structure? How decentralized or centralized is it?

2. What are the lines of authority and communication?

3. What are the roles of teams, committees, and task forces?


1. How are budgets set?

2. How is planning done?

3. What measures are used to evaluate performance?


1. What are the skills, experience, and knowledge of the firm's employees?

2. What is their depth and quality?

3. What are their attitudes about the company and their jobs?


1. What are the company's values and are they widely shared and accepted by employees?

2. What are the key norms of behavior?

3. What are some significant symbols?

4. What is the dominant management style?

5. How is conflict resolved?

I have started on this but I am having great difficulty. I would like assistance in finding useful sources in each area.

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Other Subject: Factual information about kraft foods group
Reference No:- TGS01615216

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