
Factors governing demand and supply of tourism product

Question 1) Write down the product line of detergent powder manufactures in India and analyse the length and breadth of consumer segment they cater. Mention their strengths and weaknesses.  

Question 2) Branding is the hot topic in board rooms around world, because most of the CEO's recognize that a strong brand is powerful driver. In this context discuss about they key elements that contribute to brand equity? Discuss this concept with reference to TATA and CavinKare.

Question 3) Critically explain the winning strategy of Indigo Airlines which has recently posted net profit. Identify and evaluate reasons for the failure of other Airlines.   

Question 4) a) Analyse level of complexity and divergence in service and their impact on service process. 

b) Explain the factors governing demand and supply of tourism product? Looking at Indian tourism scenario, describe impact of these factors, if you were to set up a travel agency specializing in package tours of the International tourists.

Question 5) Advertising manager of a company wants to know, how many people actually view and understand advertising message of commercial that company plans to place on a prime-time network television program. How could the advertising manager obtain valid information regarding viewing and understanding of company's commercial?

Question 6) A sports centre offers its members indoor facilities for tennis, racquetball, jogging, and swimming and also offers "health-oriented" full course meals in its restaurant lounge. In general, business is good, but membership and revenues have remained stable during the last two years. What type of research could be sports canter undertake to determine how to increase membership or revenues, or both?

Question 7) You own marketing research company that has been asked to perform a survey to know reasons of dissatisfaction by consumers. What kind of interviewing and what type of questions will you consider when gathering the desired information. (product - water purifer).

Question 8) ITC food division entered into toffee segment in December 2005. The market size for toffee in India in 2006-07 was at ` 2400/- million and it was growing at 13% annually. What sales forecasting methods would you suggest to ITC and why?

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Marketing Management: Factors governing demand and supply of tourism product
Reference No:- TGS04757

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