Discuss the below:
Explain what the Pareto Chart tells regarding 80 percent and 20 percent means.
Based on the information and the pareto chart what would you work on based upon what the Pareto Chart is telling you?
This is the data to construct the Pareto chart and The team has collected data for Everyday High School (EDS) and the data reflects those things that affect student performance. You need to know which of those factors is giving you the most trouble. The Pareto Chart is a good tool for this. (The 80/20 rule)
Q: What do you feel is the largest factor at EHS that impacts student performance on the MEAP? Responses from each of the six major customer groups (# surveyed in parentheses) fell into 10 overall categories:
1 - the teacher the student had during the testing year
2 - the teaching style of the teacher
3 - the grade level of the student
4 - whether or not the student was in special education
5 - the socio-economic status of the family from which the student came
6 - whether or no the student was from a two parent home
7 - whether or not the student was involved in extra curricular activities
8 - the GPA of the student
9 - whether or not the student was involved in community activities outside of school
10 - student attendance
A Teacher
B Teaching Style
C Grade
D Special Education
E Socio-Economics
F Two parents
G Extra Curricular
I Community Involvement
J Attendance
Frequency of Response
Customer Group A B C D E F G H I J
Students (40) 10 4 3 1 6 0 1 6 0 9
Parents (37) 8 5 2 0 4 2 3 5 1 7
Teachers (96) 8 13 7 7 2 3 18 11 9 18
Administrators (29) 2 1 0 3 1 1 6 0 2 13
Board of Ed (7) 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Community (61) 12 2 1 1 3 8 4 3 14 13
Create a chart that looks like the practice problem (above), but with the project data (not the practice data).