
Face-to-face observation of classes

1. A syllabus covering course objectives (SLOs), course requirements, and a course outline for 5 weeks of activity classes

2. A lesson plan for each of the five lessons including a description of any visual aids, media, etc. you used during your lesson

3. Please bring a self-addressed stamped envelope so that I can return your graded portfolio and refection paper to you.

Face-to-Face Observations

1. A log of all activities covered each week for a total of 20 hours

2. The weekly log must be signed by instructor of the class being observed.

3. Please include name of institution, instructor’s name, and instructor’s email address and telephone number.

Reflection Paper:

Part I: Approximately 1000 words. It should cover the following points:

1. How and why you chose your topic for your activity classes or off-campus classes

a. Did your topic attract a wide audience
b. What would you change about the topic

2. A reflective description of the teaching points during each lesson:

a. Which exercises worked well
b. Which exercises need improvement and why

3. A description of your feeling in the classroom

4. A discussion of any “What if” points and how you handled them or will handle them in future situations

5. Your experience with team teaching

6. Your reactions to your student evaluations

7. A self-evaluation of your video taping

Your reflection paper will be followed by a 10 minute presentation summarizing your teaching experience

Part II. Approximately 500 words

In addition to the above, in an additional section of your reflection paper, write about your experiences in your face-to-face observation of classes. Please include the following:

• Location of observation

• Language groups, educational level of students and their approximate ages

• Background information about students

• Type of institution – community college, IEP, public school, etc.

• Describe your overall experience during your observations:

• What types of classes you observed

• How many hours per week

• Approach of teaching – teacher-centered, student-centered, etc.

• Type of methodology used – communicative, task-based, etc.

• Reflect on your experiences while observing the classes and describe how the experience helped prepare you for teaching, what it confirmed about language teaching theories and methodology you had covered, what you would add or change about the class if you were given the opportunity to teach it.

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Other Subject: Face-to-face observation of classes
Reference No:- TGS01240234

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