
Face major ethical challenges


Accountants as information keepers and produce financial reports to stakeholders face major ethical challenges in their professional career. What are the major ethical issues and why do you think these issues arise. What should the profession accounting bodies do to assist their members to handle this dilemma?


Students shall form a group of 3. Each group need to present the topic and submit a written report. Presentation for each group is not more than 15 minutes. Presentation Marks are allotted to each individual student while written submission marks are allotted to the group. The essay should be 2500 words (plus or minus 250) words. The word limit excludes the abstract/synopsis and the reference list. Anything in excess of this word limit will not be read.

The abstract/synopsis should be approximately 250 words.

Presentation marks 5%

Written submission 15%

Total: 20% (weightage)

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Algebra: Face major ethical challenges
Reference No:- TGS0545832

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