
Fable range of gains using matlab plot bode

Block diagram of the system:

2255_Block diagram of the system.png

Where τ1 = 3, τ2 = 1

Open Loop Transfer Function = K / {s(τ1s + 1) (τ2s + 1)}

Closed Loop Transfer Function =  {K(τ2s + 1)} / {K + s(τ1s + 1) (τ2s + 1)} = {K(τ2s + 1)} / {τ1τ2s2 + (τ1 + τ2)s + K + 1)}

a) Find the stable range of gains

b) Using MATLAB, plot:

  1. Bode plot (gain margin, phase margin)
  2. Nyquist plot (gain margin, phase margin)
  3. Root Locus.

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Algebra: Fable range of gains using matlab plot bode
Reference No:- TGS01367551

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